Team Sena Services
We aim to respond to every call and email we receive, as quickly as possible.
Policy Meetings
Constituent Cases
Quick Links
Child Abuse: (800) 422-4453
Domestic Violence: 800-799-7233
LGBTQ Mental Health: 866-488-7386 (The Trevor Project)
Mental Health: 988
Sexual Assault: (800) 656-4673
Veterans: (877)-927-8387 or 988 +1
Disabled Persons Protection Commission: (617) 727-6465


For people at risk of losing access to housing, options are available in Massachusetts. Click here to view options available to residents.
Mass Legal Help has links to resources, including applying for Residential Assistance for Families in Transition.
If you are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homeless, please click on the links below to find potential resources for you and your household.
For emergency shelter, call 866-584-0653 and request to speak with a homeless coordinator.

Click to schedule an appointment with a MassHealth representative.
Health Care For All’s HelpLine at 1-800-272-4232 for assistance with health insurance application or benefits. The team offers assistance in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Emergency Food Assistance
The Food Resource hotline is open to all and can help you find access to food resources across Massachusetts. Call 1-800-645-8333

The Immigration Consultation Clinic are accessible by phone. For instructions, call 617-635-2980 or email ImmigrantAdvancement@Boston.Gov

Federal Representatives
The 37th Middlesex District is represented on the federal level by Senator Ed Markey, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Representative Lori Trahan