Rep. Sena files 25 bills, setting priorities for the 194th Session
Through legislation, Rep. Sena will fight for immigrants, education, and communities in the district

Rep. Sena announces January office hours in Ayer
On January 24th, Rep. Sena and his staff will be available to meet with constituents

Senator Eldridge and Representatives Sena and Cataldo announce $30,900 Mass Cultural Council grant awarded to Acton Discovery Museum
The Operating Grants for Organizations will support the museum’s strategic plan and mission to ignite curiosity

Senator Eldridge and Rep. Sena push for liquor license equity in Economic Development bill passed by legislature
With passage of Economic Development package, legislature breaks down barriers for immigrants

Rep. Sena announces December office hours in Acton and Groton
On December 6th and 13th, Rep. Sena and his staff will be available to meet with constituents
Senator Eldridge and Representative Sena Announce $300,000 in grants through Community One Stop for Growth awarded to Devens
Grant supports Ayer's study on multi-family development, covering outreach, data collection, fiscal analysis, transition planning, and a final report for Super Town Meeting

Senator Eldridge and Rep. Sena announce $135,000 grant to Ayer to address emerging contaminants
The funding from MassDEP and the EPA will all the town to evaluate alternative PFAS removal process options at the Grove Pond Water Treatment Facility

Senators Eldridge & Cronin, and Rep. Sena Announce $17.5K to Freedom's Way Heritage Association In Devens
Grant celebrates 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution

Sen. Eldridge and Reps. Arciero and Sena Announce Signing of Littleton - Boxborough Water Legislation by Governor Healey
Legislation Authorizes Littleton Water Department to deliver water to Boxborough environmental justice neighborhood that had PFAS contamination

Sen. Eldridge and Rep. Sena Announce $200,000 to Make Sandy Pond Road More Accessible
MassDOT award will make Ayer road pedestrian, bike, and ADA-compliant

Sen. Eldridge, Rep. Sena, and Rep. Cataldo Announce Acton Bikeshare Program Awards
MassDOT Awards $187,450.00 to Acton for 7 Bikeshare Stations

Rep. Sena secures $110,000 in bonding authorization for local projects through Economic Development Bill
The $3.5 billion development bill includes amendments for projects in Ayer, Boxborough and Harvard; reauthorizes life sciences initiative, invests in industries of the future.

Rep. Sena congratulates Linda Vieira of Acton on earning Portuguese Heritage Award
Vieira, a longtime activist, earned the award at this year’s Heritage Day of Portugal hosted by the Massachusetts Portuguese American Legislative Caucus

House of Representatives passes 2025 budget, including several items for the Middlesex 37th
Acton, Groton and Shirley to get $25,000 each for community improvement projects